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Age: - Body Type: Secret Height: 163cm Weight: -kg Bust: 36D
Last Updated Date: 2020/09/16 First Created Date: 2020/06/05

About Myself strives to build a mutually respectful time-sharing platform. You can easily setup a date with escort, however please be responsible and punctual to the appointment. Should you wish to reschedule, please inform the escort in advance. Failure to do so may result in a negative rating which may prevent others to date you again.

Mobile Number:90897599
Base City:HongKong
Area:中西區 (Central-Western)
Venue Type:[Incall] [141 Walkup]
Language Spoken:[Chinese Mandarin]
Professional Status:Secret

About Time-sharing strives to build a mutually respectful time-sharing platform. Please respect users personal acceptance of intimacy. Before enrolling into a date, please make sure you do not have any contagious disease. Failure to do so may result in a negative rating which may prevent others to date you again.

Current Sexual Openness:Open
Acceptable Dating Type:[Sex]
Acceptable Dating Gender:[Male]
Accept Newbie:No
Available Days:[Mon] [Tue] [Wed] [Thu] [Fri] [Sat] [Sun]
Available Hours:00:00 - 24:00

About Donation as a platform does not advertise any priced service. However, escorts have specific expectation to receive donation in gratitude with their time and companionship. Please know their expectated amount before a date, as under-donation may result in a negative rating which may prevent others to date you again. Please also be considerate on the stated duration for a date, as escorts reasonably count in the time spent to prepare for your date. Other than advice, anything that occurs in a time-sharing date is a matter of coincidence and choice between consenting adults.

Expected Donation Amount:
HKD680 / 1hr / 1莞式
HKD400 / 1hr / MASSAGE

Before dating me, please get to know me strives to build a mutually respectful time-sharing platform. Please read carefully and understand the escorts’ preferences in a time-sharing date, and do not force the escorts into unwanted activities. For activities not specified, please consult the user beforehand, and understand that result all depends on the chemistry between the dating adults. Failure to do so may result in a negative rating which may prevent others to date you again. Please also be considerate to communicate your preference to the escorts, as time is limited and may not allow everything in a date.

PLEASE NOTE: Content in this page may be user generated. These are not translated for easiness of search in multiple languages. Please do not be surprised with seeing mixed languages here. We are sure you would understand :)
皇后大道西 163 號, 1樓, 前座, C室 (西營盤港鐵站A1出口左轉)


香妃's Quick Review Stats
Total Number of Reviews Approved: 3 (Rejection may be due to Spamming Account/IP/Content.)
Number of Reviews Removed by Escort: 0 (Removal is solely determined by escort. You may refer at least 1 friend to register using your Referral Link to view removed review.)
Final Number of Reviews Displayed: 3
Our AI Assessment has 75.00% confidence on this escort's rating.

Reviews strives to build a mutually respectful dating platform. Please write your comments based on facts and avoid using insulting words. Failure to do so may result in deletion of message, and potentially negative rating which may prevent others to date you.

  1. 出得來玩,錢唔係最重要,最重要係囡囡有樣有身材有服務,好似觀塘區小鳳仙 ,係我上星期洗樓時嘅大發現,呢件囡囡係好野,有唔少熟客,經常要預約先有得食,今次終於可以一親香澤啦,按鐘入閘,小鳳仙 望住我嬌媚一笑,真係引人入性,樣貌美艷,身材有腰有波,天然大乳,手感軟熟有彈性,渾圓嘅美籮,我都有曬衝動,囡囡鬼咁心急,拿拿臨幫我寬衣解帶,侍浴細心,前後上下洗得有心機,波推夾腸擦背樣樣正,先黎水簫,真係體貼入微,好舒服,細佬扯到爆,摩打脷錫暈全身,慢慢由外淫到內,真係一個難得嘅多水姣西,環保含住碌野直吹橫啜,最正係眼神交流落深喉,口技超級一流無敵,搞到我好有感覺,好能舒服。首先揸住我條硬鳩塞入佢美穴,我雙手梗係揸住佢對36D大波波啦,小鳳仙 仲猛烈地狂un幾分鐘,合埋眼不斷享受打樁嘅樂趣,憂怨嘅叫床聲,享受一流,換位男上出擊,但囡囡仍然下下搶韁,巨乳比我撞到拋高拋低,我左啜啜右啜啜,小鳳仙 表現放蕩,叫床聲瀟魂夾淫蕩,高潮迭起,搞到我衝刺興奮無比,最後狗仔式狂推,搓住對大波波,好有AV片feel,插到啪啪啪,囡囡叫床叫到聲都沙埋,真係淫蕩,一唔屌到小鳳仙 狂叫先派貨畏飽佢,最後囡囡表示被我征服,我地雙雙興奮到爆燈,同步到達高潮,超級女朋友感覺,正到爆啊,難得囡囡好肯配合又好玩,真係抵我喜歡佢。

  2. 古時啲男人三妻四妾,房事多自然唔使去搵囡囡啦,依家因為一夫一妻際,老婆親戚到,成個星期無得做野,痔瘡都標多兩粒呀!我呢啲人夫去搵囡當然係大條道理啦,我係觀塘小鳳仙嘅粉絲,空鎗期梗係要搵佢出火,觀塘執到件好野,囡囡叫小鳳仙,新做無耐,屬區內嘅頂級貨色,樣子甜美,身材前突後挺,36D大波,令人賞心悅目,熱情迎接我入閘,即時伸出淫手搓佢波波,真係滑不溜手,之後一齊手施手去沖涼房,佢幫我洗鳩磨棍,慢慢幫我洗埋細佬,又同我波推,推推下;細佬就硬起頭來,佢唔止吹水得,吹水蕭仲得,見佢好似食雪條咁前後吹,啜到雪雪聲,真係好撚淫賤,吹到我飄飄然,好狂忍得住,床上按摩技術好,力度控制得啱啱好,加上專業推油,你想推邊度就推邊度,果然食過夜粥,見到美女真係慾火焚身,訓落床,囡囡騎在我身上立即奶全身,耳邊呻吟吹氣,漫遊有感覺而唔會太過機械化,環保吹奏,眼神有交流,深喉不斷,高超口技,有d頂唔撚順喇,轉玩六九,鮑汁無色無味,又濕又暖,拿拿臨笠安全帽入正題,帶套到正場,瘋狂策騎起嚟,搖擺搖盪高級騎術,如果有囡囡騎師排行榜,小鳳仙屬於專業選手,玩咗陣先玩男上,擘大佢對腳,盡情出出入入,小鳳仙好受落,越叫越大聲,聽到水聲唧唧流落張床到,再來坐喺床反轉囡囡,提起雙腳坐上來,變反身M字抽插,將籮友壓入去,入到最入,囡囡亦自動上下打樁,西水亦不斷流出,真係正到冇朋友,好快就中獎派彩,事後攬住我又傾左陣,再幫我沖涼,著衫比家用,臨走前仲有goodbye kiss。小鳳仙咁靚女又咁好服務,又唔催鐘,真係難得一遇,返食名單梗要預埋佢啦。

  3. 古時啲男人三妻四妾,房事多自然唔使去搵囡囡啦,依家因為一夫一妻際,老婆親戚到,成個星期無得做野,痔瘡都標多兩粒呀!我呢啲人夫去搵囡當然係大條道理啦,我係觀塘小鳳仙嘅粉絲,空鎗期梗係要搵佢出火,觀塘執到件好野,囡囡叫小鳳仙,新做無耐,屬區內嘅頂級貨色,樣子甜美,身材前突後挺,36D大波,令人賞心悅目,熱情迎接我入閘,即時伸出淫手搓佢波波,真係滑不溜手,之後一齊手施手去沖涼房,佢幫我洗鳩磨棍,慢慢幫我洗埋細佬,又同我波推,推推下;細佬就硬起頭來,佢唔止吹水得,吹水蕭仲得,見佢好似食雪條咁前後吹,啜到雪雪聲,真係好撚淫賤,吹到我飄飄然,好狂忍得住,床上按摩技術好,力度控制得啱啱好,加上專業推油,你想推邊度就推邊度,果然食過夜粥,見到美女真係慾火焚身,訓落床,囡囡騎在我身上立即奶全身,耳邊呻吟吹氣,漫遊有感覺而唔會太過機械化,環保吹奏,眼神有交流,深喉不斷,高超口技,有d頂唔撚順喇,轉玩六九,鮑汁無色無味,又濕又暖,拿拿臨笠安全帽入正題,帶套到正場,瘋狂策騎起嚟,搖擺搖盪高級騎術,如果有囡囡騎師排行榜,小鳳仙屬於專業選手,玩咗陣先玩男上,擘大佢對腳,盡情出出入入,小鳳仙好受落,越叫越大聲,聽到水聲唧唧流落張床到,再來坐喺床反轉囡囡,提起雙腳坐上來,變反身M字抽插,將籮友壓入去,入到最入,囡囡亦自動上下打樁,西水亦不斷流出,真係正到冇朋友,好快就中獎派彩,事後攬住我又傾左陣,再幫我沖涼,著衫比家用,臨走前仲有goodbye kiss。小鳳仙咁靚女又咁好服務,又唔催鐘,真係難得一遇,返食名單梗要預埋佢啦。


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