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莎莎 strives to build a mutually honest time-sharing platform. Please note that all videos, images or information are uploaded by users. So if you find any video, image, or information too distant from truth, please report to us..

大家好 我系sasa 我性格温柔 随 和 最劲的当然系好服务啦 含吹可快可慢 可深可浅 劲深喉吹箫我好大食架,仲好钟意俾人吃,特别钟 意帮男人吹箫,吹到对方销魂 欲仙欲死,令你一试难忘,想玩得开心 试我吹功的你 快的过来稳我啦 , 大場紅牌專業技師, 令你疲勞盡消, 而且仲散發着一種令人興奮嘅女人味~外表鬼死咁斯文, 內裡火辣又性感, 動態仲出神入化, 真係令人瘋狂!~風騷性感, 身材又掂, 靚波美女, 真係使人心跳加速~ 風騷美艷又大波, 堅挺彈手, 服務一流, 一個好滑漏嘅靚股, 睇見都慶烚烚, Please tell that you are from!
PLEASE NOTE: Content in this page may be user generated. These are not translated for easiness of search in multiple languages. Please do not be surprised with seeing mixed languages here. We are sure you would understand :)
Age: - Body Type: Secret Height: 167cm Weight: -kg Bust: 34D
Last Updated Date: 2020/09/16 First Created Date: 2020/06/05

About Myself strives to build a mutually respectful time-sharing platform. You can easily setup a date with escort, however please be responsible and punctual to the appointment. Should you wish to reschedule, please inform the escort in advance. Failure to do so may result in a negative rating which may prevent others to date you again.

Mobile Number:54028581
Base City:HongKong
Area:灣仔區 (Wan-Chai)
Venue Type:[Incall] [141 Walkup]
Language Spoken:[Chinese Mandarin]
Professional Status:Secret

About Time-sharing strives to build a mutually respectful time-sharing platform. Please respect users personal acceptance of intimacy. Before enrolling into a date, please make sure you do not have any contagious disease. Failure to do so may result in a negative rating which may prevent others to date you again.

Current Sexual Openness:Open
Acceptable Dating Type:[Sex]
Acceptable Dating Gender:[Male]
Accept Newbie:No
Available Days:[Mon] [Tue] [Wed] [Thu] [Fri] [Sat] [Sun]
Available Hours:12:00 - 21:00

About Donation as a platform does not advertise any priced service. However, escorts have specific expectation to receive donation in gratitude with their time and companionship. Please know their expectated amount before a date, as under-donation may result in a negative rating which may prevent others to date you again. Please also be considerate on the stated duration for a date, as escorts reasonably count in the time spent to prepare for your date. Other than advice, anything that occurs in a time-sharing date is a matter of coincidence and choice between consenting adults.

Expected Donation Amount:
HKD800 / 60MINhr / 1
HKD500 / 45MINhr / 1

Before dating me, please get to know me strives to build a mutually respectful time-sharing platform. Please read carefully and understand the escorts’ preferences in a time-sharing date, and do not force the escorts into unwanted activities. For activities not specified, please consult the user beforehand, and understand that result all depends on the chemistry between the dating adults. Failure to do so may result in a negative rating which may prevent others to date you again. Please also be considerate to communicate your preference to the escorts, as time is limited and may not allow everything in a date.

In a date, I can contribute these things...

Private Room

Shower Room


PLEASE NOTE: Content in this page may be user generated. These are not translated for easiness of search in multiple languages. Please do not be surprised with seeing mixed languages here. We are sure you would understand :)
電氣道 119 - 125 號, 1樓, 119G室, G房 (銅鑼灣街市斜對面 |龍珠餅店側樓梯上 | 21:00後可泊車)


莎莎's Quick Review Stats
Total Number of Reviews Approved: 0 (Rejection may be due to Spamming Account/IP/Content.)
Number of Reviews Removed by Escort: 0 (Removal is solely determined by escort. You may refer at least 1 friend to register using your Referral Link to view removed review.)
Final Number of Reviews Displayed: 0
Our AI Assessment has nan% confidence on this escort's rating.

Reviews strives to build a mutually respectful dating platform. Please write your comments based on facts and avoid using insulting words. Failure to do so may result in deletion of message, and potentially negative rating which may prevent others to date you.

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PLEASE NOTE: This profile is managed by each escort, hence your review may be removed by escort (with stats left). You can join our Telegram Fans Group for user-only sharing, or refer at least 1 friend to register using your Referral Link to view removed review.


莎莎 by joining the platform, has indicated that he/she is open to share his/her time and offer companion to our users. Anything else that occurs is a matter of coincidence and choice between consenting adults.

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