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Newbie Guide

Many visitors are new to a time-sharing date, and may wonder what to do next. And as newbie, you may face the most common obstacle: you will likely get ignored or rejected by many escorts, as you are not on safety list.

We hear these obstacles and hence launched “Newbie Mentoring Program”! The following voluntary mentors are willing to share more with, and potentially time-share with newbies:


Of course, there are also some other suggestions we can give you.

1. “Precision Search” is here to help as well! Open the search panel, toggle on “Accept Newbie”, and click “Search Now”, then you will see escorts who will more likely entertain you.

2. Contact them, book a date, be good, and finally ask escort to write a good review on you!

3. Once you have at least one good review, you will be welcomed by more escorts!
